Free 2007 LET Review Software

Most of us are looking for a convenient and interactive way of reviewing for the Licensure Examination for Teachers of LET. Who is bored of reading tons and tons of brochures, pamphlets and handouts?

Fortunately, I found an application for reviewing Professional Education Examination and the General Education Examination of the LET. Some guy in YouTube is actually selling the software but I thought of giving it for free since I also got it for free. Now, first, let me discuss with you the features of the application.

The LET REVIEWER is a 2007 version. Outdated, yes, but nevertheless, helpful for preparing  one's self in taking the actual examinations.

It can only be accessed using .rar applications like WinRAR. If you still don't have such an application, please click the link below before you proceed.

Now that you already have a .rar application to access the LET REVIEWER, you can start downloading the file by clicking the link below.

If you don't know what to do, here's what to do. If you've already clicked the link, you might have seen something like what's shown below. There's no need to sign in. All you have to do is to click "file," just below the name of the file to be downloaded and click "download" or press CTRL+S.

Clicking the newly-downloaded file opens the .rar application you've downloaded a while ago. Here's how it usually looks like:

If you notice, there are two .exe files in the compressed file you downloaded -- LETGEN.exe and LETPRO.exe. LETGEN.exe is a reviewer for the General Education Examination and LETPRO.exe is a reviewer for the Professional Education Examination.

Double-clicking any of these files leads you to the actual review application. A dialog box welcomes you every time you open the file. Click "OK" and another box will show. It's a notice to all users.

You can read the notice if you want but I haven't really taken this seriously. After reading it, you can close the box by clicking the x button located in the upper left-corner.

The LET REVIEW 2007 application shows individual items, one at a time. Like the actual LET, it's a multiple-choice type and you have four choices for each item.

If you answer an item incorrectly, the application will tell you the correct answer, giving a you further review. Moreover, it's not time pressured so you can press ALT+Tab and review for the item you missed or for any item about which you are confused.

If you really don't know the answer, you can click "pass" but I don't suggest this. Try your best to answer each item. Passing the item only lets the learning pass.

Good luck with your review!

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