Scope and Functions of Journalism, Campus Journalism

Scope of Journalism
There are three major divisions of journalism: written journalism, oral journalism and visual journalism. News papers and magazines fall under written journalism and are classified as periodicals. Periodicals are publications released in regular intervals: bi-monthly, monthly, weekly, etc.
A newspaper, compared to the magazine, prints more news and has no special cover. Newspapers are printed in paper called newsprint. News is printed all over the newspaper having the hottest news in the front page.
A magazine, on the other hand, has a special cover and prints less news but more human interest stories and features. Magazines are printed in book paper and if ever a magazine contains news, it’s brief, summarized and can only be found in side pages.
Periodicals, journals, books, graphic media and brochures are under print media. Radio falls under oral journalism and while television, movies and documentaries are under oral-visual journalism.
Radio and television are examples of broadcast media while movies and documentaries are examples of film media.
Functions of Campus Papers
A campus paper may be mimeographed or printed published or released by an organization or school whose name or logo appears in the masthead or in the editorial box.
The campus paper like any other media has functions.
a.      Provides opportunity for interesting writing.
b.      Gives students the opportunity to learn how to read the newspapers.
c.       Acts as stimulus to better work.
d.      Develops students’ power of observation and discrimination concerning relative merits of news articles.
e.      Serves as outlet and motivation for journalistic writing.
f.        Offers training in organizations, business methods, commercial arts, salesmanship, bookkeeping and business management.
g.      Develops qualities of cooperation, tact, accuracy, tolerance, responsibility and leadership.
a.      Informs the community of the work of the school.
b.      Publishes school news.
c.       Creates and expresses school opinions.
d.      Makes known the achievements of the school.
e.      Helps unify the school.
f.        Encourages and stimulates worthwhile activities.
g.      Develops right standard of conduct.
h.      Provides and outlet for students’ suggestions for the betterment of the school.
i.        Develops better interschool relationship.
j.        Develops school spirit.
k.      Develops cooperation between the parents and the school.
The campus paper also has these following functions:
INFORMATION FUNCTION: This is the news functions of the campus paper: to inform. Since information dissemination is the maid purpose of the campus paper, this is the function most likely performed by any campus paper. It gives the readers information concerning the things around the community and within the school.
OPINION FUNCTION: Through the editorials and editorial columns, the editor has the chance to post his opinion regarding current events inside the school and the community. The main purpose for this is to persuade to reader toward a certain point of view.
EDUCATION FUNCTION: Tabooed topics such as sex, sex education, family planning and the like are extensively and intensively discussed by writers of campus papers. This is one of the most important functions of the campus paper: to educate.
WATCHDOG FUNCTION: The school paper serves as an eye for the readers to see what is happening in the school and to guard the right of the young ones.
LABORATORY FUNCTION: It serves as the teaching tool for budding journalists. Neophytes pattern their new experience from the existing and past papers.
DOCUMENTATION FUNCTION: Important school events and worthwhile student accomplishments and achievements are recorded in the campus paper for posterity’s sake. Most present day stories are researched from old newspapers.
ENTERTAINMENT FUNCTION: The school paper, like an interesting book, keeps the reader company especially when he is alone. Most human interest stories are stimulating to read.
DEVELOPMENTAL FUNCTION: In developing a country like the Philippines, scholastic and commercial journalism has been given greater and nobler significance. The sources of new journalists are school also. Journalists in campus publications are most likely to be the journalists of the future. The young journalist whose news deals with club activities, school elections and campus activities will eventually become a better one whose news deal with activities of the nation, national elections and national concerns. The developmental function of the campus paper doesn't only have implications on the young one himself but also on the school as a whole. School administrators and staff may reflect their performance on the school paper and see what improvements must be done.

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