– to breathe in air to the lungs
Example: Humans inhale oxygen to live.
Additional Info: The opposite of the word inhale is exhale. The word ex means “out.” Thus, the meaning of exhale is “to breathe out.”
- the birth of a baby who has already died in the mother’s womb
Example: Stillbirth is a painful experience for mothers.
Additional Info: Stillbirth happens to babies who are into the fifth month of their development. When the baby dies inside the mother’s womb or uterus, the mother still experience contraction (or birth pains) as she gives birth to the dead child. When a baby dies while inside the womb for four months or less, the condition is called miscarriage. [mis-kar-ij]
[sek-uhnd hand smohk]
– the smoke that comes from the cigarette inhaled by another person
Example: Second-hand smoke is dangerous to your health.
Additional Info: Second-hand smoke is also called passive smoke because the person who inhales it is not actually smoking a cigarette but only inhaling the smoke from a nearby smoker.
WOMB (n.)
– a part of the female’s reproductive organ wherein the baby is formed
Example: She carried her child in her womb for nine months.
Additional Question: Have you tried touching the stomach of a pregnant woman? How did you feel?
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