Vocabulary Enrichment 3

– being able to explain the reasons and accept responsibility for one’s actions 
Example: Accountability is important to build a healthy relationship in the office.

Additional Question: How do show your accountability to someone you personally trust?

-  an action disobeying any authority (usually against the government or a ruler), control, or tradition
Example: Rebellion often results to violence.

Additional Info: There are different kinds of rebellion. Some rebellions may not involve violence. A “hunger strike” is a kind of non-violent rebellion wherein a person refuses to eat until his or her demands are met. “Coup d’etat” [koo dey-tah] is a violent kind of rebellion that involves the use of military weapons.

FED UP (idiom)
– to be tired of something
Example: The employer is fed up with employees who are always late.

Additional Question: Do you usually get fed up with problems at work? Why or why not?

OUST (v.)
– to remove, expel or take away
Example: The people want to oust the cruel leader.

Additional Question: What reasons are valid to oust a leader?

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